I recently purchased a Keychron K2 mechanical keyboard. It is a 75% keyboard that has bluetooth. This article describes some quality-of-life improvements to use it with a Linux system.

Note: Tested on Arch Linux only.

Kernel Module

Keychron keyboards are recognized out-of-the-box as Apple keyboards on Linux systems.

The corresponding kernel module is hid_apple.

$ modinfo hid_apple

Ensure the module is loaded within the initram for setups that use LUKS:

$ grep MODULES -B 1 /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
# hid_apple for Keychron K2

This works for wired mode but alas it’s not possible to use the keyboard wirelessly to type in your LUKS password unless extra steps are taken:

  • Install the mkinitcpio-bluetooth package, currently available in the AUR.
  • Add the bluetooth hook to your mkinitcpio, ensuring it comes before encrypt.
$ grep HOOKS -B 1 /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
# bluetooth for Keychron K2
HOOKS=(base udev autodetect keyboard bluetooth modconf block encrypt filesystems resume fsck)
  • Regenerate it: % mkinitcpio -P.


There are 3 bluetooth slots, corresponding to the 1, 2 and 3 keys.

To put the keyboard in pairing mode, hold Fn + <n> for a few seconds. The key will persistently blink. From the computer, connect to the device named Keychron K2. Trust the keyboard.

Switch slots by pressing Fn + <n> once. There is some light feedback to indicate the switch.

Bluetooth works well out-of-the-box, but the keyboard automatically sleeps after 10 minutes of inactivity to save energy. While it is possible to disable this behavior, I find it welcome. It is a hassle though because the bluetooth device refuses to reconnect once the keyboard is awaken. The naive solution is to pair it again from scratch, but a better user experience is to change bluetooth settings:

$ cat /etc/bluetooth/main.conf


And then restart bluetooth to apply them:

% systemctl restart bluetooth

This way the keyboard always automatically reconnects to the computer.

I also find it convenient to leave bluetooth enabled on startup:

# Enable the bluetooth daemon.
% systemctl enable bluetooth

# Enable the bluetooth adapter.
$ cat /etc/bluetooth/main.conf

Finally, another tweak is to make the bluetooth adapter stay awake otherwise it may periodically disconnect:

$ cat /etc/modprobe.d/btusb.conf
# Turn off bluetooth autosuspend.
options btusb enable_autosuspend=0

Function Keys and Multimedia Keys

The default fnmode is set to multimedia keys:

0 = disabled
1 = normally media keys, switchable to function keys by holding Fn key (Default)
2 = normally function keys, switchable to media keys by holding Fn key

I prefer to set it to function keys. One of the reasons for that is to make switching TTYs (Ctrl+Alt+Fn) possible. For some reason, Fn doesn’t seem to work in TTYs.

Change it in the current session only:

% echo 2 >> /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode

If you do not have a root shell, use sudo / doas + tee:

% echo 2 | sudo tee /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode

Change it permanently:

$ cat /etc/modprobe.d/hid_apple.conf
# Use function keys by default. Press Fn to use multimedia keys.
options hid_apple fnmode=2

And then reload the kernel module:

% modprobe -r hid_apple && modprobe hid_apple

Insert Key

By default there is no native Insert key. Use Fn + Del to trigger Insert. For example, Fn + Shift + Del works like Shift + Insert in X11, yielding paste selection.


Check the battery level programmatically:

% pacman -S upower
$ upower --dump | grep -i keyboard -A 7 | grep percentage
    percentage:          71%

This only works in bluetooth mode (not in wired mode).


  • Hold Fn + [1 | 2 | 3] for a few seconds: Put bluetooth slot in pairing mode. The corresponding LED will persistently blink until pairing is complete.
  • Fn + [1 | 2 | 3]: Toggle bluetooth slot. The corresponding LED will briefly blink.
  • Fn + b: Check battery level visually. Green is more than 70%, blue is more than 30%, otherwise it will flash.
  • Fn + Light: Toggle keyboard lights on/off.
  • Fn + [Left | Right]: Browse keyboard light color schemes.
