In the same spirit of my first PKGBUILD and Ebuild, herein I will describe my first APKBUILD.

At a glance

Alpine Linux package management is very similar to Arch Linux, with tiny differences:

  • PKGBUILDAPKBUILD: The filename is obviously different. Their format are very similar though, both of them are bash scripts with variables and functions. In particular, there’s check, patch, build and package.
  • cp /usr/share/pacman/PKGBUILD.protonewapkbuild: Template versus scaffolding.
  • pacmanapk: The package manager is different.
  • makepkg -sabuild -r: makepkg drives all things package building for pacman. abuild drives package building for apk.
  • makepkg -iapk add <pkg>: makepkg can also drive package installations whereas abuild cannot, apk must be used.
  • namcapapkbuild-lint (from atools) + abuild sanitycheck1: Linters are different.
  • updpkgsumsabuild checksum: Generate hashes for package sources.
Fortunately, the charging one has been solved now that we've all standardized on mini-USB. Or is it micro-USB? Shit.

XKCD Courtesy of Randall Munroe

Other than that, the process of writing an APKBUILD is very similar to writing a PKGBUILD. In fact, the Arch repositories (especially the AUR) tend to be much more comprehensive than Alpine’s in terms of number of packages, so chances are if you want to write a new package for Alpine, check in Arch’s repos first, it’s a good starting point.

My first package: fpp

fpp stands for ‘Facebook Path Picker’.

As of the time of this post, I maintain fpp-git in the AUR. It looks like this:

pkgdesc='TUI that lets you pick paths out of its stdin and run arbitrary commands on them'

prepare() {
  cd "$srcdir/${pkgname%-git}"
  rm -r "src/tests"

pkgver() {
  cd "$srcdir/${pkgname%-git}"
  git describe --long --tags | sed 's/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g'

package() {
  cd "$srcdir/${pkgname%-git}"

  # library
  install -Dm755 "fpp" -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/fpp"
  cp -a src "$pkgdir/usr/share/fpp"

  # entrypoint
  install -dm755 "$pkgdir/usr/bin"
  ln -s "/usr/share/fpp/fpp" "$pkgdir/usr/bin"

  # documentation
  install -Dm644 LICENSE -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname"
  install -Dm644 "debian/usr/share/man/man1/fpp.1" -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1"

PKGBUILD guidelines and instructions:

The equivalent APKBUILD I wrote looks like this:

pkgdesc="TUI that lets you pick paths out of its stdin and run arbitrary commands on them"
depends="bash python3"

check() {
	fpp --version

prepare() {

	rm -r "src/__tests__"

package() {
	# library
	install -Dm755 "fpp" -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/fpp"
	cp -a src "$pkgdir/usr/share/fpp"

	# entrypoint
	install -dm755 "$pkgdir/usr/bin"
	ln -s "/usr/share/fpp/fpp" "$pkgdir/usr/bin"

	# documentation
	install -Dm644 LICENSE -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname"
	install -Dm644 "debian/usr/share/man/man1/fpp.1" -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1"

65b6b077f437bd642ebf94c55be901aabc73f7b9c89e4522c4f51970c4d63d744ad8fa29cac06816851f63bcb81d0480e61d405231c582e9aca0f4e650949a97  fpp-0.9.2.tar.gz

APKBUILD guidelines and instructions:

Build Comparison

Let’s highlight a few similarities and differences in them, excluding the fact that one is fetched from git and the other one fetches a point release directly2:

  • package metadata, by the means of bash variables, are almost equivalent one-to-one
    • A notable difference is the architecture, Arch primarily supports x86_64 whereas Alpine has support for multiple architectures. When a package is architecture agnostic, Arch denotes it with any whereas alpine has both noarch and all, the latter is like any (=all architectures), the former means it’s agnostic (=e.g. a pure bash script or python package).
    • APKBUILDs use flat strings, whereas PKGBUILDs use bash arrays
    • Alpine encourages splitting larger packages into subpackages, as such APKBUILD has first-class support and syntactic sugar for that. -dev and -doc subpackages are very common. On the other hand, Arch tends to have monolithic packages in order to keep it simple, although it also supports subpackages.
    • Alpine supports setting $builddir whereas Arch doesn’t. As a consequence, it’s often unneeded to cd in build() and package() in Alpine, whereas in Arch one does need to manually change directories to $srcdir/$pkgname before building.
    • Alpine lacks optional dependencies, whereas Arch has optdepends.
  • Alpine enforces the use of check in test packages, otherwise it needs to be explicitly disabled and documented with !check in options=. That’s not the case in Arch.
  • check(), build() and package() are pretty much similar in both formats. $srcdir and $pkgdir are provided in both.
  • The ArchWiki is way more documented in terms of packaging guidelines and examples than Alpine’s. If you use DuckDuckGo, you can query for !aw <foo> as a bang shortcut to search directly in the ArchWiki.

Last but not least, in Arch one can install package tarballs3 with makepkg -i or pacman -U. In Alpine that approach doesn’t seem to be directly supported. The workflow is to add a local repository directory in /etc/apk/repositories (notice the last two lines):

$ cat /etc/apk/repositories

abuild will place the resulting package tarball in ~/packages, in this case:

$ ls ~/packages/testing/x86_64/fpp*

…and then apk add fpp will automagically recognize it’s in there and install it. The advantage of this approach is that it keeps a local package repository around and it’s well integrated with apk, way differently from pacman that has no integration with the AUR at all. One could also possibly set up a local repository in Arch, for example, with ccm, but it takes extra steps and it’s not officially supported.

Upstream Contributions

On Arch, to contribute a PKGBUILD upstream one just needs to create an account in the AUR. Armed with a git + ssh infrastructure, all you need to do is git push. There are no ACLs involved, anyone can do that4.

On Alpine there’s a bit more of politics involved5: Anyone can send a patch(1), either via mailing list or via a Gitlab MR (merge request). Patch works well with git send-email -1, being automatically cross-posted to a Gitlab MR. On the other hand the MR workflow is easier to be followed up on feedback from developers and other contributors (git push --force), and it’s also cross-posted, to the mailing list. An Alpine developer with the appropriate permissions must approve your patch/MR before it becomes available to other Alpine users.

Sadly at the time of this writing my patch hasn’t yet been approved (2 weeks later), however we’re in holiday season. This wouldn’t have been a problem in the AUR, where I could have just pushed it immediately, without any review. On the other hand the Alpine approach at least gives me some hope that the submitted packages have slightly higher quality than the average ones in the AUR, since they need to be manually reviewed/approved/vetted by at least one Alpine developer.

  1. Install spdx-licenses-list to lint the licenses, it’s used by abuild sanitycheck as an optional dependency. ↩︎

  2. The AUR tends to have both non-vcs and vcs versions of a software, whereas Alpine is focused a bit more on stability and tends to have non-vcs only. This is not a hard rule though, exceptions may exist. ↩︎

  3. .tar.xz or, more recently, .tar.zstd↩︎

  4. And this is one of the reasons why you should always inspect every PKGBUILD you install from the Arch User Repository, as it could have been tampered with and/or contain malicious code. ↩︎

  5. I’ll leave it open-ended whether that’s a bug or a feature. Depending on the lens you see through, it could be considered either gatekeeping (bureaucracy, control) or sanity (quality, stability). It has pros and cons, and even those are arguable. ↩︎