Not everything is available via RSS. However, there are some decent workarounds in a few situations.


Some blogs and authors refuse to provide RSS feeds to their websites. Instead, they will only provide newsletters. This is very hostile to the open web, and the main reason why it’s done is so that these authors can own a direct channel to reach out to their audience directly, which is better for (their) business, making it easier for them to push sponsored and promoted content and measure engagement metrics and analytics.

Kill the Newsletter is a service that proxies those newsletters, publishing them as RSS feeds.

You can either self-host it or use its official hosted version at


Use Nitter:

Nitter is a free and open source alternative Twitter front-end focused on privacy. The source is available on GitHub at

Furthermore, it has built-in RSS support!

For example, you can see @taylorswift13’s profile on Nitter at and follow her via RSS with — by merely appending /rss to it.

You can either self-host it or use one of its public instances. At the time of this writing the official instance is


Reddit famously includes RSS support for every subreddit, for example1: It has a lot of noise though as it includes all recent posts including the ones with a few number of votes.

To experience a higher quality, filtered version of the latest given subreddit posts with more than a certain threshold (of your choosing) of upvotes, check out the reddit-top-rss project:

Reddit Top RSS is a set of scripts for Reddit’s API that generates RSS feeds for specified subreddits with score thresholds. To preview your outputted feed items there is a front end that utilizes the Bootstrap v4 framework.

You’re supposed to self-host it, but there’s a demo version available at


For more RSS bridges and resources, see:

Disclaimer: I do not endorse these lists of resources. Use them at your own risk.

  1. The last slash isn’t strictly necessary: is also valid. ↩︎