I host my own Miniflux instance, which happens to be my favorite RSS reader. Currently it is hosted on Linode (Akamai Cloud) running Alpine Linux.

My current setup was performed manually. I was thinking that, for fun, it would be cool to fully automate it under the principles of IaC.

The current setup does not use any containers. I had proudly made it as KISS as possible at the time:

  1. Linode is a very beginner-friendly (and cheap) VPS
  2. Alpine Linux is a first-class citizen on Linode
  3. There’s an apk package for miniflux
  4. There’s an OpenRC1 script for miniflux (so that it can be controlled via service)

For the first part of this automation we will look into provisioning a Linode with an Alpine Linux installation. In order to do so we will use HashiCorp Terraform.


  • Provision a new Linode
  • Deploy it in Europe
  • Use the smallest shape (a so-called Nanode)
  • Run Alpine Linux
  • Set it up with my public ssh key, which is hosted on Github

Terraform setup

Scaffold it like this, in a main.tf file:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    linode = {
      source = "linode/linode"

Then run:

% terraform init
  • Generate a Linode API token

Go to https://cloud.linode.com/profile/tokens, create a new token called terraform. with the “Linodes” scope set to “Read/Write”.

  • Append this API token to main.tf:
provider "linode" {
  token = "<your token here>"
  • Add a linode_instance with the appropriate fields set according to the documentation:
resource "linode_instance" "coruscant" {
  label  = "coruscant"
  image  = "linode/alpine3.19"
  region = "eu-central"
  type   = "g6-nanode-1"
  authorized_keys  = ["<your ssh public key here>"]
  backups_enabled  = "false"
  watchdog_enabled = "true"
  booted           = "true"

Then run:

% terraform plan

“Plan” is basically a dry-run. Terraform will output what it intends to do, but nothing will be done yet.

  • Analyze the output and double check that it looks correct.

To actually perform the provisioning, run:

% terraform apply

Then confirm the prompt.

Within a few seconds (or maybe minutes), you should see your new Linode in the Linode Console.

We can test our deployment by ssh’ing to our new machine:

% ssh root@<public IP address> -i ~/.ssh/my_ssh_key
Welcome to Alpine!

The Alpine Wiki contains a large amount of how-to guides and general
information about administrating Alpine systems.
See <https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/>.

You can setup the system with the command: setup-alpine

You may change this message by editing /etc/motd.

Let’s take a pause to appreciate how lightweight it is:

localhost:~# df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs                 10.0M         0     10.0M   0% /dev
shm                     487.8M         0    487.8M   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda                 24.1G    238.1M     22.6G   1% /
tmpfs                   195.1M    268.0K    194.8M   0% /run

Only 238 MiB!

To deprovision it, run:

% terraform plan -destroy

If everything looks correct, run:

% terraform destroy

Warning: It turns out the “Linodes” scope was not enough to do the deprovisioning. I needed to create a new scope, with more permissions, in order to do so.

As you can see, terraform makes it very trivial to deprovision systems.

Bonus points: run terraform fmt to format your file. Never go out of style.

Tip: At any point you can run terraform validate to verify your main.tf file is syntactically correct.

Two things could be improved in the previous setup:

  • We could use authorized_users to pass in our linode username. If we add an SSH key to our linode account, then that key would be automatically deployed to the system, thereby removing the need to specify authorized_keys.
  • Alternatively, we could fetch our key from an URL endpoint with the use of the hashicorp/http provider, like so:
terraform {
  required_providers {
    http = {
      source = "hashicorp/http"

data "http" "thiagowfx_ssh_keys" {
  url = "https://github.com/thiagowfx.keys"

resource "linode_instance" "coruscant" {
  # ...
  authorized_keys  = compact([for line in split("\n", data.http.thiagowfx_ssh_keys.response_body) : chomp(line)])
  # ...

The “list comprehension” above does line splitting magic to convert them to a list of string, and the compact removes the empty new line at the end.

We could improve the example above even further.

For starters, let’s parameterize out the username to a variable:

variable "github_username" {
  type    = string
  default = "thiagowfx"

data "http" "user_ssh_keys" {
  url = "https://github.com/${var.github_username}.keys"

resource "linode_instance" "coruscant" {
  # ...
  authorized_keys  = compact([for line in split("\n", data.http.user_ssh_keys.response_body) : chomp(line)])
  # ...

We could then easily supply another username with -var:

% terraform plan -var github_username=torvalds

Note that the above example leverages string interpolation.

We could also extract the SSH keys list to its own “variable” (locals):

locals {
  ssh_keys = compact([for line in split("\n", data.http.user_ssh_keys.response_body) : chomp(line)])

resource "linode_instance" "coruscant" {
  # ...
  authorized_keys  = local.ssh_keys
  # ...

A more robust (and stable) way to query the key though is through the Github API:

data "http" "github_keys" {
  url = "https://api.github.com/users/${var.github_username}/keys"

locals {
  ssh_keys = jsondecode(data.http.github_keys.response_body)[*].key

Note that a typical response body looks like the following:

    "id": "<id>",
    "key": "<ssh key>"

API endpoint documentation: https://docs.github.com/en/rest/users/keys?apiVersion=2022-11-28#list-public-keys-for-a-user

If we use output instead of locals, then we can debug (inspect) it with terraform output.

And that’s it for today! In a future post, we will continue from here by using Ansible to install and set up Miniflux in our new Linode.

  1. Alpine Linux does not use systemd↩︎