Pritunl is an Enterprise Distributed OpenVPN server.

In order to run its client on macOS, an .app is provided. However, using it to log in every day is quite tedious.

Let’s automate it so that we can connect to the VPN with a single command.

In order to fetch the credentials in this example in a secure manner, we’ll be using 1password. pass would have worked just as fine.

First, configure Pritunl via its app UI, creating a profile for your corp credentials.

Then figure out what the profile ID you just created is:

profile_id=$(/Applications/ list --json | jq -r '.[0].id')

Now, create an entry in 1Password for your Pritunl credentials associated with the profile above.

Let’s use the op official CLI tool from 1Password to fetch the password and the OTP (one-time password) for the “Pritunl (VPN)” entry (change it accordingly).

op_id="$(op item get 'Pritunl (VPN)' --format json | jq -r '.id')"
password="$(op read "op://private/$op_id/password")"
otp="$(op item get "$op_id" --totp)"

Now we can use the pritunl-client to log in programmatically:

pritunl-client start "$profile_id" --password "$password$otp"

Then verify it has indeed connected:

pritunl-client list

The trick is that it accepts the concatenation of the password with the OTP as the password. There’s not a separate --otp flag.

Putting everything together, we can create a function for our favorite shell:

# Log into corp VPN
pritunl_login() {
	local profile_id=$(/Applications/ list --json | jq -r '.[0].id')

	local op_id="$(op item get 'Pritunl (VPN)' --format json | jq -r '.id')"
	local password="$(op read "op://private/$op_id/password")"
	local otp="$(op item get "$op_id" --totp)"

	pritunl-client start "$profile_id" --password "$password$otp"
	pritunl-client list