
Apartment hunting in Germany is comparable to dating: it is a numbers game w.r.t. supply and demand1, first impressions matter a lot, you often get ghosted, and once you finally make it through the first few rounds there is a great possibility of rejection for unknown reasons down the road. in the straight world, women are akin to landlords ↩︎

July 3, 2024 · 59 words · Thiago Perrotta


When attending tech conferences, wear T-shirts from previous conferences, or from prior editions of the same conference. It is a good icebreaker when people recognize them. Of course, there is no need to buy a T-shirt from every single conference you attend; owning one or two of them is enough.

July 3, 2024 · 50 words · Thiago Perrotta

Terraform: perform a global update

Given a terraform/modules directory tree, we would like to globally update the minimum required terraform version in all modules. ...

July 2, 2024 · 52 words · Thiago Perrotta

Explain a crontab expression

Given, for example, 0 0 * * *, how do you figure out when it will run? ...

July 1, 2024 · 71 words · Thiago Perrotta

Localhost domain

If you find yourself in a situation wherein http://localhost:1313 has issues, you can use a domain that redirects to localhost. For example: ...

July 1, 2024 · 118 words · Thiago Perrotta

a little

Me: Do you speak English? Foe: A little / Meh / Ein bisschen / Mixed /foe speaks perfect English Foe: Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Me: Nur ein bisschen / A2 /me speaks lousy Deutsch

July 1, 2024 · 33 words · Thiago Perrotta


If you are arranging a meeting with someone in the other side of the globe, it is good courtesy to send your availability in their local timezone.

July 1, 2024 · 27 words · Thiago Perrotta

Copy files from laptop to Steam Deck

Let’s say the files you want to copy are in ~/Downloads. ...

June 30, 2024 · 78 words · Thiago Perrotta


Whenever we play badminton and someone hits the shuttle in such a way that it gently touches the net from the top, followed up by a point, the person instantly apologizes. It makes me smile every single time this unspoken tradition happens.

June 24, 2024 · 42 words · Thiago Perrotta

★ XY problem

When asking questions or filing bugs / feature requests in the internet, I often refer to these two invaluable resources: ...

June 23, 2024 · 122 words · Thiago Perrotta