The fundamental right to paste

Some websites attempt to prevent users from pasting text (i.e. Ctrl+V / Cmd+V) in web browsers. It serves no purpose in most cases other than hindering accessibility and increasing annoyance for users. ...

January 22, 2024 · 244 words · Thiago Perrotta

Remove large files from your computer

Whenever disk space gets almost full, I like to use the following software to clean up (unnecessary) big files from my computers: ...

January 21, 2024 · 137 words · Thiago Perrotta

Create a family tree with graphviz

Graphviz… is open source graph visualization software. Graph visualization is a way of representing structural information as diagrams of abstract graphs and networks. We can also use it to craft family trees! ...

January 19, 2024 · 204 words · Thiago Perrotta

Start an HTTP server ASAP

Sometimes I need to start a local HTTP server for a quick one-off task, often just to serve static content. It is not important which one it is, so long as I can do it quickly. ...

January 17, 2024 · 272 words · Thiago Perrotta

★ Synchronized in Python

In Java, you can make a variable thread safe by just adding the synchronized keyword. Is there anything that can achieve the same results in Python? ...

January 15, 2024 · 553 words · Thiago Perrotta

Python: all hail to cache memoization

In a typical dynamic programming (DP) problem, you’ll usually instantiate a variable to hold previously computed data (cache). ...

January 12, 2024 · 289 words · Thiago Perrotta

Python: debugging tip with print and f-strings

It’s 2024, the year of the linux desktop, and the best™ way to debug computer programs is still the good ol’ print statement. ...

January 8, 2024 · 136 words · Thiago Perrotta

macOS: remove all empty directories

For some odd reason my Calibre backup to cloud storage had a bunch of empty directories. I’ve been meaning to remove them, but it’s cumbersome to do so from the web client. ...

December 29, 2023 · 129 words · Thiago Perrotta

Gerrit v3.9 is out

Gerrit 3.9 has been released recently. This is a dear release to me because I was responsible for some of its changes1: ...

December 23, 2023 · 138 words · Thiago Perrotta

Enhance adblock lists with uBlock origin dev filter

uBlock-Origin-dev-filter: Filters to block and remove copycat-websites from DuckDuckGo, Google and other search engines. Used to be specific to dev websites like StackOverflow or GitHub, but it currently supports others like Wikipedia. ...

December 6, 2023 · 55 words · Thiago Perrotta