Pritunl log in via CLI

Pritunl is an Enterprise Distributed OpenVPN server. In order to run its client on macOS, an .app is provided. However, using it to log in every day is quite tedious. Let’s automate it so that we can connect to the VPN with a single command. ...

May 7, 2024 · 264 words · Thiago Perrotta

Force captive portal to open

Sometimes, when connecting to public Wi-Fi hotposts, especially in airports and coffee shops, the captive portal gateway required to get internet access will simply not show up. ...

February 22, 2024 · 64 words · Thiago Perrotta

macOS: remove all empty directories

For some odd reason my Calibre backup to cloud storage had a bunch of empty directories. I’ve been meaning to remove them, but it’s cumbersome to do so from the web client. ...

December 29, 2023 · 129 words · Thiago Perrotta

macOS: sudo with touch ID: survive upgrades

Recent macbooks have a fingerprint reader, which is typically used to unlock the computer and log in. It is also possible to use it for sudo authentication via PAM. This was previously covered here. Now, with macOS Sonoma, it’s also possible to make this setting survive OS upgrades. ...

December 4, 2023 · 85 words · Thiago Perrotta

Maccy macOS clipboard manager

Strongly recommended to all software developers who use macOS: Maccy. Clipboard manager for macOS which does one job - keep your copy history at hand. Period. Lightweight. Open source. No fluff. ...

December 2, 2023 · 80 words · Thiago Perrotta

★ Keychron K2 on macOS: fix Home and End keys

Issue: For whatever reason, the Home and End keys on my Keychron K2 do not work as intended on macOS. ...

April 22, 2022 · 653 words · Thiago Perrotta

macOS terminal app gripes is a pretty decent terminal emulator for macOS, with sensible defaults. That said, I have my own gripes about it, but the list is surprisingly small. ...

March 26, 2022 · 307 words · Thiago Perrotta

macOS: sudo with touch ID

Recent macbooks have a fingerprint reader, which is typically used to unlock the computer and log in. It is also possible to use it for sudo authentication via PAM: ...

March 21, 2022 · 145 words · Thiago Perrotta

★ nix-env in a nutshell for basic usage in macOS

I am currently evaluating Nix as a replacement for Homebrew CLI apps in macOS1. Others have previously written about this. My goal is to keep a sane learning curve and learn things on-the-fly, only as needed. Nix is a massive ecosystem and has so many batteries included and components (NixOS, NixPkgs, NixOps, Nix programming language, nix-shell, nix-env, nix-darwin, home-manager, …). The good news is that those components are for the most part modular, there’s no need to adopt them all in order to reap the benefits that Nix provides. For now, I am only adopting nix-env and nix-shell, with no *.nix config files. This post covers nix-env. ...

February 16, 2022 · 733 words · Thiago Perrotta

nix-shell in a nutshell

As soon as we finish installing Nix on Darwin, we’re greeted with a call to action: Alright! We're done! Try it! Open a new terminal, and type: $ nix-shell -p nix-info --run "nix-info -m" Thank you for using this installer. If you have any feedback or need help, don't hesitate: You can open an issue at ...

February 10, 2022 · 395 words · Thiago Perrotta