Be aware that your public SSH keys can reveal your identity

If you have a GitHub account configured with SSH, your public keys are available at$USERNAME.keys. For example, mine: And then let’s say you also use your full name on GitHub. ...

May 3, 2024 · 214 words · Thiago Perrotta

Organic Maps: off-line maps Organic Maps is a free Android & iOS offline maps app for travelers, tourists, hikers, drivers and cyclists based on OpenStreetMap data created by the community. It is a privacy-focused, open-source fork of […] Organic Maps is one of the few applications nowadays that supports 100% of features without an active Internet connection. Install Organic Maps, download maps, throw away your SIM card, and go for a weeklong trip on a single battery charge without any byte sent to the network. Positive impressions: works great on iOS (didn’t test on Android yet) a great companion for cycling within the city more fun and more lightweight than Google Maps low impact on device battery life extremely privacy friendly (no ads, no tracking, no push notifications, etc) extremely mobile data friendly (works fully offline) open-source, and without any IAP works out-of-the-box, no sign up necessary Negative impressions: do not use it for public transit, it is terrible as it does not have real-time data integration

February 21, 2024 · 164 words · Thiago Perrotta

Why do you need to know my last name?

Some (annoying) websites and/or mobile apps will refuse to let you proceed past their registration / login screen unless you provide a last name. Isn’t my first name enough1? ...

January 16, 2024 · 157 words · Thiago Perrotta

Send emails straight to spam

Just tested straight to spam today: Love emails but hate people? Don’t want someone 🤡 at your party 🥳 but have to invite them 🤢 cause your mom 💁‍♀️ made you? Trust Straight 2 Spam to send your v important email 📧 straight to their spam 🗑 Click the button below👇 to copy a nasty ❌ ooey ❌ gooey ❌ spam-keyword filled invisible message 🔤 for your email that you totally sent on time ⏰ but the 🐦 dodo-brain 🧠 won’t see it because they didn’t check their spam folder 📂 (Just make sure you’re not in the recipient’s address book 📇, or all bets are off 🙅‍♀️)...

March 25, 2022 · 265 words · Thiago Perrotta

HTTPS Everywhere: So long and thanks for all the fish

EFF’s1 HTTPS Everywhere is a browser extension available for all major browsers that automatically upgrades HTTP to HTTPS on supported websites. ...

March 22, 2022 · 121 words · Thiago Perrotta

Bypass news article paywalls

I try to avoid websites with paywalls. If I really like the website and it deserves my attention, I will throw in a monthly subscription for it. High-quality content deserves to be supported. The fragmentation isn’t always great and it’s often hard to keep track of multiple distinct news sources and portals / subscriptions, but that’s a topic for another day. Sometimes people will link to news articles or websites with paywalls from various sources (blogs, social media, other news articles, etc). I’d rather know in advance that those articles are paywalled, but that’s not always possible. After clicking them, curiosity already killed the cat. There are several ways to access those as one-offs. I will add a disclaimer that I do not publicly endorse any of those methods, they are just mentioned for educational purposes. ...

March 6, 2022 · 396 words · Thiago Perrotta

Google and Duckduckgo

My search engine of choice is Google, nonetheless I still enjoy DuckDuckGo occasionally. The main reason to stick with Google is its superior quality, by the means of better search results. 20 years later, it’s still arguably the best search engine. Of course, part of the reason for that is contingent upon how much data it collects, but that’s a topic for another day… There are at least three reasons to use DuckDuckGo as an alternative: it’s privacy-focused, there’s no tracking and no bubbling1 its search results stem from sources other than Google; these days, mostly from Bing it has !bangs, lots of them The quest(ion) then becomes: How can I use mostly Google, but still have quick access to DuckDuckGo bangs? ...

February 2, 2022 · 505 words · Thiago Perrotta

Throwaway accounts for ephemeral use cases

A brief list of disposable / throwaway account resources: ...

January 26, 2022 · 48 words · Thiago Perrotta